6 Ways Yoga will improve your physical and mental health

Engaging in physical activities to gain fitness is a common and widely accepted way of leading a healthy life. However, the truest form of healthy living is about taking mental well-being into account. Very few forms of exercise actually give you mental peace and calmness required to tackle the stress of a busy life.  Yoga is one such form of exercise that improves your bodily functions while nurturing your well-being from the spiritual perspective.

Here’s how Yoga will benefit your body and brain in the best ways possible –

  1. Makes you more flexible –

This is one of the most obvious and popular benefits of Yoga. Yoga includes several asanas that help you loosen-up tight muscles. The stretching involved can be tolerated by your body and it slowly gets accustomed to the changes while increasing your range of motion, which means more flexibility.

  1. Builds your muscles –

Strong muscles do much more than just improving your look. Yoga asanas have a significant effect on your upper body strength. However, the poses are to be practiced in the right manner to give you the right amount of stress in building the desired muscle strength.

  1. Increases your blood flow –

Yoga, being a combination of exercise and relaxation, improves your blood circulation, especially in your hands and feet. Inverted poses like the Shirshasan (headstand) encourages the blood from the lower body parts to flow back to the heart.

  1. Boosts your health –

Yoga gets your heart rate into the aerobic range which lowers the risk of heart attack and also helps in relieving stress. Some Yoga exercises may not get your heart rate pumping but they do improve your cardiovascular conditioning.

  1. Brings you mental peace–

It wouldn’t be an overstatement to say that Yoga is a trusted remedy for sadness. Consistently practicing Yoga leads to a significant increase in the serotonin levels.  Yoga takes your attention away from your worries and brings more positivity to your mind.

  1. Helps you focus better –

Once you attain calmness it helps you clear the clutter in your mind. This helps you isolate the primary matters and get rid of the stress. You can then resolve these matters with a positive frame of mind and focus better on your day-to-day activities.

Pranic Soul Yoga will open new doors of Sadhana for everyone who believes in the power of Yoga. At THE ROOM Abu Dhabi, we are hosting a Pranic Soul Yoga Session by the acclaimed Yoga instructor Rob Hess.  His ever-evolving style of training and distinctive research will help you discover the true power of Yoga. Book this session by Rob Hess on 9th June 2017 – 3 PM today and embark on a soulful journey!

Book here: http://theroom.ae/timetable.php

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