Get Back to fit: How to resume your fitness routine after the break

A workout regime yields great results only when pursued with vigor and regularity. However, sometimes life, work, holidays, family and many such other reasons may hamper your workout goals. It is okay to miss the sessions once in awhile and take time to do things that make you happy. However, what matters more is how quickly and steadily you can get back on your feet after a break. Most of us dread the inevitable soreness that comes after we resume exercising after a brief hiatus. The important thing is to be fully aware of your body and put it through its paces gradually. Slowly but surely, you will notice yourself getting closer to your wellness goals.


Here are my 5 tips to ease the shock of getting back to fit after the break:

1. Slow but steady:

It is unnatural for you to expect 200% results from your body right after your first workout post the holiday break. In your first class, take it easy, do the things that you love doing but maybe reduce the intensity and gradually increase it class by class. Start with the basics and slowly make your way to your regular routine. Not doing so, greatly increases the risk of injury and puts your health at risk.

2. Stretch: It’s good for you:

Once you resume your regular fitness routine , make sure you mobilise and stretch adequately after the class. this will ensure that soreness will be minimised. After each workout, your muscles are left in a contracted state; stretching them ensures that they return back to their natural position so that your body can regain its comfortable posture. There are various ways you can do this, one of them is to catch functional mobility classes to help you with this at THE ROOM.

3. Rest and Recover:

Although fitness is a continuous journey, it is important to schedule adequate rest after each workout. This helps your muscles and body recover faster so that you can keep up the strength in the rest of your workouts. Schedule your rest intervals in between your workout days with equal regularity.

4. Set attainable goals:

Know your own body and try to set goals that can be achieved realistically. Not doing so implies that you are setting yourself up for failure at not achieving them. Moreover, the stress and excess effort may result in a burn-out. We all have a lot of motivation in the beginning, don’t let your fire be consumed in one go. Stagger your progress instead of going at it in one go.

5. Choose your workout wisely:

Attaining desired results is always easier when you are doing something that you love instead of something that you dread doing. Once you come back, choose a workout routine that you love doing. It maybe Yoga, Zumba, Strength, Cardio or any other fitness regime. Focus on the path rather than the result at first.

Mim Kleiberg is a Star 3 Spinning Instructor, Holistic Health Coach, personal trainer and Co-owner of THE ROOM Abu Dhabi with qualifications in Olympic Weight Lifting, Kettle-bells & Functional Training.

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