Pilates for cyclists – Ivana Ostric

What is Pilates?

Maybe the best answer for that is asking yourself : “What is Contrology”

Contrology is complete coordination of body, mind, and spirit. Through Contrology you first purposefully acquire complete control of your own body and then through proper repetition of its exercises you gradually and progressively acquire that natural rhythm and coordination associated with all your subconscious activities.” – Joseph Pilates

Pilates involves a series of dynamic movements designed to strengthen the body’s core. It also aims to improve flexibility of the spine and joints. If your center is strong and flexible, all types of movement are easier to perform.

Why Pilates is important for cyclists?

Cycling doesn’t use all of the body’s muscles, but it does require strength, flexibility and balance. Cyclists tend to have highly developed legs, but don’t pay much attention to upper body muscles. Most cyclists have weak glutes and tight hips and Pilates will be here as a great complement to the Spinning programs. Also that will be the great reason to visit Pilates Workshop and check how you can improve these small disadvantages.

What does strong core do for cyclists?

Exercising Pilates you’ll develop strength in the deep intrinsic muscles of abdomen and spine taking pressure of the superfascial muscles. Initially more core strength will help support lower back. It will improve muscle flexibility, posture (all cyclists usually have quite rounded shoulders) and balance. Pilates will lead you to become more self-aware of what your body is doing – on and off the bike. This awareness allows you to correct the things that will increase your speed and power and enjoyment on the bike.

What we will do and learn in the Workshop?

Learn benefits of Pilates workout specifically related to Cyclist:

  • Learn and find neutral spine in different positions of our body
  • Learn difference between neutral and imprinted position of spine and pelvis
  • Find out what are the principles of Pilates
  • Correct the posture, prevent injuries and find the best exercises to improve your ride

If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not you’ll find an excuse.

Call – 02/ 4444 945.

Email – info@theroom.ae

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