Tag: yoga inspiration

Types Of Meditation: Moving Meditation

What comes to your mind when you read the word meditation? A calm looking person with eyes closed and legs crossed. We all are familiar with this classic form of meditation. However, moving meditation offers a lot more than the classic meditation. Here’s everything you need to know about this unique form of exercise before

7 Reasons Why Yoga Is The Healing Therapy You Need

Spending our days in office and excessive overtime has taken many things away from us. Active life and peace of mind are the two most important things on that list. Furthermore, sitting in the office for long hours makes us lazy which can be easily identified with a desk hunchback most of us have. However,

6 Ways Yoga will improve your physical and mental health

Engaging in physical activities to gain fitness is a common and widely accepted way of leading a healthy life. However, the truest form of healthy living is about taking mental well-being into account. Very few forms of exercise actually give you mental peace and calmness required to tackle the stress of a busy life.  Yoga