Types Of Meditation: Moving Meditation

What comes to your mind when you read the word meditation? A calm looking person with eyes closed and legs crossed. We all are familiar with this classic form of meditation. However, moving meditation offers a lot more than the classic meditation. Here’s everything you need to know about this unique form of exercise before you kick start your sessions.

What is moving meditation?

Moving Meditation is a physically active type of meditation where awareness, concentration, and focus are brought into the movement. The movement becomes a conscious movement. In other words, it is using slow body movements combined with the awareness of your actions and breath.

What activities come under this workout?

Moving Meditation consists of activities like Fluid Yoga, Tai Chi, Qigong along with a few others. Fluid Yoga is spiritual and ascetic, it focuses on breath control and postures. Tai Chi is a non-competitive martial art that helps you alleviate stress and anxiety. Qigong is another Chinese practice that helps you restore your energy with balanced movements and breath control.

How it benefits your body?

All activities included in Moving Meditation are designed to help release stress and tension. Moving Meditation helps cope with anxiety, insomnia, and boosts your immune system by building stamina.  Fluid Yoga helps you relax and keeps you healthy with a sequence of Asanas.

What is Fluid Yoga?

A Yoga sequence can be turned into a moving meditation by connecting the breath and the movement. In this form of Yoga, the person is aware and concentrated on what is happening inside his body. During this session, the participant is fully focused and present in the moment barring all the external thoughts. The sequence is enhanced with breathing techniques that bring us mental peace and increase our concentration levels.

Where can you experience Moving Meditation?

On the 3rd International Yoga Day, we are hosting a Moving Meditation class focused on Fluid Yoga at THE ROOM Abu Dhabi. In this session, we will be moving through a simple and fluid yoga sequence combining the movement with the breath.  No need to remember complex sequences, poses or alignment, the class will just focus on finding the harmony and unity between the body, breath, and mind. You can join us at this session by Sahar Zaky on 21 June 2017 at 5.30 PM only at THE ROOM Abu Dhabi. Book your session now.

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