Health coaching – 6 month program

By Mim Kleiberg

What is a health coach and what will I get from health coaching?


Having a health coach is like having a personal trainer for your health and wellbeing. In the same way that a PT customises a program to your specific needs, your health coach will take the time to get to know you, your habits, your current diet, your health and wellness goals, what history you have with previous diets and exercises, and then they will work with you to outline a plan designed to help you reach your goals. Most importantly though, they will hold you accountable to the plan and check on your progress



A Health Coach is your wellness co-pilot, you and your coach will work together to develop a customized plan that takes your individual physical, emotional and lifestyle factors into account and fits into your life and ultimately leads you to permanent, positive change. They will be your accountability coach. Most of us know what we should be doing and eating to be healthy. A health coach will help you on the path towards health and wellness and help you prioritise and stick to your goals.


Health Coaches look at exercise, eating, wellness, and food not just as calories and weight loss, but also on emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual terms. An Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who’s providing services in this area knows about various aspects of his or her clients’ lives like state of mind, health history background, as well as sleep patterns.The ultimate goal of your Health Coach is to improve your quality of life through effective and healthy habits and changes. In order to accomplish this, there must be a strong focus on the overall health of the individual. It could be that the reason previous diets or routines were ineffective was due to emotional or mental stressors. Your Health Coach will dig deep to discover why previous attempts have failed, which will indicate the paths that should work in your individual case.


What a health coach can help with:


  • Emotional eating
  • Lack of energy
  • Digestive issues
  • Bloating
  • Weight loss
  • Weight gain
  • Frequent colds and flu


Mim Kleiberg is a Star 3 Spinning Instructor, Holistic Health Coach, personal trainer and Co-owner of THE ROOM Abu Dhabi with qualifications in Olympic Weight Lifting, Kettle-bells & Functional Training.

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