How the iCHANGE program was born by Mim Kleiberg – Co-owner THE ROOM Abu Dhabi

As a fitness professional I’d seen the body transformation program industry grow, develop and get more and more agressive. At the same time, obesity and eating disorder rates sky rocketed. The fitness industry started to stray more and more away from creating healthy bodies and turned more to manufacturing unsustainable, unhealthy states for the human body to be in. Body fat percentages so low that normal hormonal function was no longer possible and hunger states that required extraordinary self control to maintain.

More and more people came through the door of the studio looking for a 4 or 3 week miracle that would make them leaner, happier and healthier and more people came through the door and told me a story of trying and failing multiple times.

As human beings we can think logically, and most people know intrinsically that changing your body drastically in 4 weeks is not sustainable, however, we want the marketing promises to be true so much that we put aside all logic to try these “miracles”.

I saw people that lost crazy amounts of weight and changed their body fat percentage markedly, however, I never saw anyone who could keep it off permanently. It became a ritual after christmas and before summer to do these programs only to put it all back on again in the time after, everytime gaining a little more body fat and weight than the time before.

Day after day I heard the stories of people who had tried these programs, lost weight, gained it back again with interest or had been injured during the extreme workouts. I decided to develop a lifestyle transformation program rather than a body transformation program to change people’s outlook on themselves and their health and help them towards a happier, healthier and more sustainable future.

iCHANGE was born. By dealing with health in a holistic sense, addressing fitness, lifestyle, nutrition, injury prevention and stress management, iCHANGE is not about a temporary, quick transformation, but rather a permanent, sustainable change that empowers people to take their health, wellness and happiness into their own hands.

If you’re ready to make the step towards a healthy, happy and sustainable future, then join us on the next iCHANGE challenge, starting April 21. Find our more at

Mim Kleiberg is an Australian fitness trainer with a BHSc in Traditional Chinese Medicine and an IIN certified Health Coach. She is a Spinning® Master Instructor and owner of THE ROOM Abu Dhabi and THE CYCLING ROOM Studio Francise. You can follow her on instagram @trainermim and Facebook Mim Trainer.

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