Author: Anish Karkera

A Week With Dino at THE ROOM

Peter Pastijn THE ROOM Abu Dhabi organizes weeks with international presenters and teacher trainers of their various fields of expertise under the name ‘A WEEK WITH’. The goal is to bring some of the world’s training experts over to spend a week with the Abu Dhabi community as well as to offer the best educations

Boxfit – Who is it for?

Mim Kleiberg I love Boxfit. I’m not sure which attribute attracts me more. The empowering feeling of striking a punch at high speed or the satisfying crack of a well-timed kick on a boxing pad. Perhaps it’s the feeling of elation after a high energy session or the feeling of accomplishment after pushing my limits.

Spinning® Myths – and the actual truth

Mim Kleiberg 1. Spinning® is only for fit people Spinning® is an excellent cardiovascular workout for everyone. It is low impact and always recommended for people with knee and lower back issues. In Spinning® you are in control the resistance of your bike. It is one of the best classes for beginners and advanced participants