Author: Nikita Bhosle

Considering Afterschool Programmes for your kids?  Here’s why you should consider Drama! 

Well, the school year is back in full swing!  Like most parents, you might be considering ‘Extra Curricular Activities’ (ECAs) for your children.  ECAs are an important extension of academic education as they allow children to create friendships, develop existing talents, learn new skills, and build their confidence. In the UAE, Drama classes are a

Get Back to fit: How to resume your fitness routine after the break

A workout regime yields great results only when pursued with vigor and regularity. However, sometimes life, work, holidays, family and many such other reasons may hamper your workout goals. It is okay to miss the sessions once in awhile and take time to do things that make you happy. However, what matters more is how

Prenatal Yoga and Pilates

Being pregnant is one of the most exciting times in any women’s life and of course your first instinct is to be as healthy as possible during your pregnancy- not only for yourself but for your growing baby too. But as exciting and happy as this period can be it is also one the biggest