5 reasons to get your workout done early

Early morning is a time to take stock of the happenings for the previous day and plan for the upcoming one. It is also a time that you can get most time for yourself without being interrupted by the hassles of everyday life. Why not make of it, and get your workout done too? If

5 Easy Ways To Eat Right!

Our body is like a machine which needs energy to run the daily course. The food we eat every day is the primary source of energy for our body. To maintain proper functioning we need to fuel our body with all necessary energy elements like proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, and fibres. Follow these guidelines to make

Types Of Meditation: Moving Meditation

What comes to your mind when you read the word meditation? A calm looking person with eyes closed and legs crossed. We all are familiar with this classic form of meditation. However, moving meditation offers a lot more than the classic meditation. Here’s everything you need to know about this unique form of exercise before