Tag: Balance

Spinning® = Cycling

Here is a line I have heard so many times over 20 years in indoor cycling, cycling and triathlon. “Spinning, no that is not for me. I ride real bikes outside! You won’t not see me in the studio.” And I have spent numerous hours to try explaining and convincing all types of endurance athletes

Start Where You Are

Kat Owens When it comes to trying something new, for many of us our instinct is to retreat. We go to a space of doubt rather than a space of curiosity. This is completely normal. We’re creatures of comfort! The unknown is a vulnerable place and it’s a lot easier to cozy up in our

What is functional training and why should I join a SHAPE class at THE ROOM Abu Dhabi?

Mim Kleiberg Let’s first start with the ‘Why Should I join a SHAPE class?’ In short, SHAPE is FUN – ENERGETIC – EFFECTIVE – SAFE – CARDIO – STRENGTH – INTERVAL TRAINING At THE ROOM our SHAPE classes are led by highly skilled instructors in sessions with limited participants to ensure correct posture and movement.