Learn to Fly – Yoga Workshop

Matt Corker Arm balances in yoga can often be intimidating to those who have never done them before. In this 90-minute vinyasa yoga class, we will explore the secrets of making arm balances easy so you can feel light enough to fly. In this workshop, you’ll experience the power of your breath and what it

Triathlon Coaching at THE ROOM Abu Dhabi

Rebecca Pittam What do you do when you have accomplished your goals, when the challenge you have set yourself has been achieved? The answer? Find a new challenge, and for me that was to take my Ironman experience to the next level and to certify as an Ironman coach so that I could not only

Spinning® and Yoga – The Ideal combination

Yoga and the Spinning® program are natural complements to one another. They’re similar in that both have a mental and a physical component. Teaching the physical part of the Spinning class is easy. It is the mental aspect that is often more challenging. The purpose of yoga is to develop self awareness. Therefore, combining yoga